September 27, 2015

Corner Ranting [Studio City, CA]

 A reasonable assumption would be that this fellow - waiving a book
and ranting on the corner - was going on about something
to do with Jesus... On the other hand - these are strange times
in Los Angeles and one never knows.
He could have been holding the NRA bylaws or Mao's Red Book.
 Not much foot traffic here and with the heat being what it was
all the car windows were rolled up with their ACs humming...
[Ventura Blvd & Laurel Canyon Blvd]

September 23, 2015

El Katracho [Sherman Oaks, CA]

Apparently, you can hear yourself some live music at El Katracho 
while you eat... or do "low key" Chinese at the Bamboo Forest.
[Burbank Blvd & Kester Ave]

September 18, 2015

September 15, 2015

September 10, 2015

Cobra Club [North Hollywood, CA]

If gay latin clubs with a dance floor are your thing - 
according to their website, this might just be for you... 
[10937 Burbank Blvd - east of Vineland Ave]

September 9, 2015

Putin of Spades [Hollywood Hills, CA]

 A little something to inspire and brighten up commuters passage
and the day for those passing time waiting at the bus stop.
[Laurel Canyon Blvd & Lookout Mountain Ave]