September 29, 2014

70's Toyota [North Hollywood, CA]

This Toyota survived Florida - how long will it survive in Los Angeles?
[Chandler Blvd & Lankershim Blvd]

September 27, 2014

September 20, 2014

Los Angeles Cliche [Studio City, CA]

 Sometimes one drives by a location and notices people standing around with a camera setup -
it seems uncertain if they are indeed filming something -
if so, what it might be -
or if perhaps that are just hanging around posing with a camera setup -
hoping to be discovered so that they can do the actual thing...
 [#23 in the Photographing Photographers series]


September 19, 2014

September 14, 2014

Los Angeles Cliche [Encino, CA]

Yes - there's a chance that if you drive around Los Angeles and it's environs for long enough,
you'll see someone filming something...
[#22 in the Photographing Photographers series]

September 8, 2014

September 5, 2014