August 19, 2015

LADWP Property [Burbank, CA]

Next to 1030 N Maple St in Burbank is a lot belonging to the LADWP -
this sign lets you know that no shenanigans will be tolerated.
The lot is part of what was intended to be the Whitnall Highway...
[Maple St north of Magnolia Blvd]

August 15, 2015

August 6, 2015

LAFD Swiftwater Rescue [Studio City, CA]

With summer heatwaves in progress and the virtually bone-dry conditions
of the past few years - it's easy to forget - or not know at all -
that Los Angeles is subject to flash flood when it does rain...
Last December it looked like there would be enough rain
to get out he LAFD Swiftwater Rescue gear just in case some
adventurous and gullible person fell into the Los Angeles River.
[Cahuenga Blvd & Regal Pl]

August 2, 2015

MetLife Blimp [North Hollywood, CA]

One normally sees the Goodyear Blimp out and about in the Los Angeles area -
but every now and then one may catch a rare glimpse of the Fujifilm Blimp
and a rarer sighting of the MetLife Blimp... 
Southern California used to be a steampunk haven for
lighter-than-air aircraft...
[Vineland Ave & Lankershim Blvd]

August 1, 2015

Mystic Reign [Toluca Lake, CA]

If you think that there are no "rockers" left - here be some
that seem out of central casting. Does Mystic Reign qualify
as a historical reenactment act?...
[Vineland Ave & Moorpark St]